Friday, January 28, 2011

Today's Small Business

It is pretty tough these days to be a small business. everyday the market pushes us on to the internet and more specifically, towards social media. case in point, this blog. i don't have a huge urge to share things in this forum but i know i know it will help my company grow. i have done search engine optimization, facebook, linkedin, i have worked to get my link on other websites and started this blog.  after all that, i have a customer pull up my blog in front of me and there, smack dab in the middle of my last post is a huge vista print ad. all that work and ultimately, i end up advertising another company. they don't need my help, that is for sure. anyway, that is my small business vent.

There is a bright side though. I compared my prices to vista print and in most cases, I come in lower. Combine that with personal service, I am confident that I have a better product. Lets just hope that my social media marketing efforts pay off soon.

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